
Be who you want to be.

I am deciding in this moment, that life is too short to be someone you don't want to be. People have expectations of you, whether you like it or not. Some blatant, some subtle. Some people just follow the crowd because it's what they feel is proper and right and meant to happen. Some people accept these expectations as reality. Culture and society has expectations for you also. Telling you who you ought to be, how you should think, feel and act.

How freeing is it to realise you don't HAVE to be a certain way. That you can just be yourself. The way god perfectly made you to be.

Of course, there are always those wierdos who read something and jump to the worst conclusions. Okay so you don't HAVE to conform... therefore I'm not going to be polite like Canadian culture, or loving like the bible says, or I'm not going to work like everyone else but rather bum off my friends my whole life... Okay people. Don't quit working. Work isn't a bad thing. But maybe you need to quit your job and find a new one, a better fit. Don't stop being polite. But maybe you need to start standing up for yourself more often, not letting people walk all over you. Obviously, don't take this as a licence to break the law and go insane.

I'm talking about going barefoot because shoes are too restricting.
Eating McDonalds because you want to.
Telling your friends you love them even if it's awkward.
Acting 21 because that's my age.
Not going on Facebook, just because everyone and their mom is on it... even if it is more convenient.
Playing the tambourine in the church band, because hey... it's a sweet instrument.
Making peace with your body and all the parts you used to hate.
Being transparent with your beliefs, speaking your mind, and sharing ideas.
Never apologizing for tears or emotions, let yourself feel.
Be hyper. Be outgoing. Be quiet. Be alone if you want to be alone.

Whatever it is. Just be free. Be you. You were not an accident. You were made the way you are for a purpose.

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