
Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth...

So I started this new book yesterday, It's called "Erasing Hell" By Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle. It's pretty much a response to other theologies and books like Rob Bell's "Love Wins" and a study of what the scriptures say. Now, I haven't read Love Wins, but I'm going to after I'm done Erasing Hell. Erasing Hell brings up the weighty questions of the place we call hell. Does everyone go to Heaven? What does the bible say about hell? Some theologies have stated that in the end, how could a loving God send people to hell? Some believe that after all is said and done there will still be a chance for those who are in hell to make it into heaven, into those 'gates that never close'. I'm not that far into the book, but I will be sure to update you on how it goes and how I feel about it... because well this is my blog and I write about things like that. But reading it so far, I have been thinking about hell today and the intensity of it. It's a very sobering thought. Hell. It actually made me think about how much our actions really do affect eternity. Is it true that what we do here on earth will be reflected in eternity? As of now, I believe yes of course they do. What do you believe? What does the bible say? Let's find out.

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