

Grace is a beautiful thing. Grace is a God thing. Grace gives you everything when you don't deserve it. Grace is the cross, and I love grace. I live because of it. But. But have we graced over too much? Have we over-graced? To the point that judgment no longer applies? To the point where sin is okay because there is grace? To the point where the King is no longer the King high in sovereignty? The answer is, I don't know. This is a question we all need to ask our own hearts. I believe there is a needed balance. Some say well grace isn't fair, You are right, Grace isn't fair and that's the beauty of it, but we can not completely write off justice. Why would God place in me this heart for justice? I yearn for justice. Ever since I was little, I wanted things to be set right. When my brother was being unjust to me, I wanted it to stop. and now that I'm older I still feel a sense in my heart that the world needs justice. Justice for the poor, the broken, the lost. Things that grab my heart are the justice issues of today's world. The sex trade industry, the marginalized of down town Calgary, those people who need Jesus. I ask again, why would God place in me a heart for justice? I believe in Grace. But I also believe in justice.

I need to know truth. I just want to say that it's not about being right or being wrong; its about truth. All I want to see is the truth, whether I like the truth or not... it does not change the fact that it's true. Dear Abba, Show me the truth.

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