

So I am going to pull out a super nerdy reference here and talk about the Lord of the Rings' Lamnus Bread (I am not certain on that spelling, but you know what I mean) and say that today I find that God is like Lamnus Bread. Even the tiny little sense of his presence fills me up. It doesn't have to be a huge show or production - but just quieting myself in font of the King and knowing that he is right beside me. It is really wonderful.
Feeling kinda down lately, I did not want to go to Worship today. But I should have known, because it was the best possible thing for me today. God always does that, When I don't want to go to church or worship or be around my friends he turns it into something super great in the end when I just listen to my spirit and go. I left feeling more encouraged and uplifted than when I went in. It was so refreshing, to take a break from the day and just spend time with God and worshiping him and praying with others. I was really encouraged by the prayers of my fellow U of C'ers. Thanks guys. They played my favorite song today too, and now it's in my head and I love it. =) Revelation Song... it's ze best.
On another note, I'm looking forward to Tehilla tonight - It should be good, I'm expecting God to move (Like he always does).
& in closing... I have been thinking a lot about Ester today - I want to be like her. She was such a Godly woman and not to mention she saved an entire race from death, she saved her people... Um pretty cool I think. She is my inspiration today. (Besides Jesus of course). She was put in the most unlikely of places and yet she was faithful and strong.
Anyways, I will make it through - thanks for your encouraging texts and prayers, I love you all. Be blessed.

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