
Living flame of love come baptize us.

Last night was just simply the best night I have had in a very long time. It was amazing... I just need to blog about it! It started off with Tehilla monday. We got to the church and when worship started I just knew this night was going to be different. I prayed with such a deep burning urgency that I've never prayed with before. It was from the bottom of my being, I was craving God. I needed him so bad. I needed him. I was pressing in like it was the last time. I was so sick and exausted of not feeling God's presence in my life. I told him, I know I don't have to feel you to worship you, because that's not what it's about. It's not about the feeling I get, I worship you because you are Truth, but I need your strength tonight. I prayed for the manafest presence of God. I prayed for a deep burning passion and hunger for him, a strength to be able to push forward. And it came to the point where I was almost kneeled over, physically in pain from how much I needed God. My whole self was looking for my Creator. Then they played beautiful exchange and I just lost it, I was filled with joy. It was so beautiful indeed. I started to just laugh and laugh and I couldn't stop.. I didn't want to. It was like God and I shared some insanely funny joke just between us. It was so much fun! I felt like a child being rewared. It felt like a gift I didn't deserve. I just soaked in the joy and peace and freedom he lavished on me. I was so  lost in bringing him praise and just being with Him I didn't think about anything besdies Him, No distractions. It was like my cup was being filled and over filled and it made me so happy. =) The sermon was soooo good too, He talked about the cross and what it has done for us. It was just such a good reminder. And at the end there was an alter call and I think it was 19 people gave thier lives to Christ! Like... what?! AWESOME! haha. Two of those people were my friends from the University, so I was estatic. And we just entered into some more worship at the end and I prayed with my girlfriend and just cried and there was so much unity and love and it was just so beautiful to see how God brings together his Children. He is sooo good to His children. But my night doesn't even end there... We went out for food and fellowship afterwards and it was awesome just to sit together and talk about what God has done in our lives and about spiritual gifts and the cool things we have been learning about Jesus, and in the middle of the Denny's restaurant we broke out into prayer. We prayed for healing over one of the guys who wasn't feeling good. It was sweet to see that not only does God move in the church... but in a Denny's too! haha so funny. After that four of us got in a car and drove to drop one off at home, but we didn't even make it that far. We had worship on in the car as we drove and we all just were singing at the top of our lungs and God's presence was in our car for sure. I sometimes wonder what God thinks when he sees us. Like this is what we were made for. It felt so right. But then we passed a very severe accident on the high way - a truck was wrapped around a street light... It was bad. We stopped and prayed together for the situation. I was loving how through out the night we could just break out in prayer right then and there... It was amazing. When we got to the fellows house we just sat in his drive way for almost an hour and a half, we just shared testimonies, prayed for one another some more, listened to some more worship and just spent time together talking about this year and how we feel revival coming and how God is just going to shake this city. It was such a sick night. I was so stoked the whole night. Really. At the end of the evening, me and my girlfriend got back to my house at around two thirty am! We sat in my bed and talked about life and how blessed we are to have friends like we have. Because we are so blessed. To have those friends who bring you closer to God, we all walk hand in hand. She just encouraged me so much. I really love her and all my friends. and I really love God. It was just a night that God just lavished His kids. He is so good. God is so good. I feel strengthened and encouraged and just ready to take on this next chapter of my life.

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