Kim Phuc. She was honestly the most amazing lady. She told us her story; She grew up in Vietnam in a big house with a nice backyard and garden, animals and everything they could want, living with her whole family in a nice neighbour hood. Untill the brutal effects of the Vietnam war hit them so hard. They were bombed with napalm. I learned today that napalm is an acid type poison that is generally mixed with gasoline and it burns at temperatures of up to 800 degrees. Kim came out with her skin boiling from underneith, clinging to life. She went through so much. A very famous picture was taken of her and passed around the globe. I have posted it here, She is the one in the middle. Despite all that she went through, with half of her family dying and her struggling with feelings of inadequacy because of the scars on her arms and body, the pain she deals with everyday physically, the extents of therapy she has to go through, she still remains a strong and beautiful woman. She found Christ in all this and she tells the story of how he saved her life. It really was a miracle that she is alive today and living in the safety of Canada. She told how she prayed her way through the entire thing. Her joy was just radiating from her, I want to have joy like that. Where I can go through crap and still be beaming with the love of the Father inside me. At one point in the session she even broke out in song. She sang us a beautiful song in vietnamese and it almost made me cry. It was so encouraging and inspiring to see that. She is really my hero today. It was awesome.
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