
Imaginative ramblings.

I'm standing in a field. A beautiful, big, bright feild of cream coloured weat that reaches up to my waist. As the weat is moved by the wind, it dances around me in rythm. The sun hits my face and I close my eyes and take in the scene. I take a deep breath and a sweet smell fills my nose and clean crisp air enters my lungs. This is such a refreshing place. It is abnormally quiet here, I notice the absence of noise. There are no cars honking or people talking or bells ringing... it is completly peaceful. I feel no need for anything, I am not striving nor worrying. I have never been here before but already I feel like I belong, like I've known this place my whole life in the back of my mind. I get lost in my thoughts about this strange place when I realise I'm not alone. Off a little while into the distance I see a man. There really is no way I can put words to discribe this man. He is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The beauty of the field seems to dull as I look at this figure straight ahead. Just at this moment I seemed to discover a new instinct that I had never known about before but I knew it was the right thing to do. I started to run. I sprinted as fast and as hard as I could, but I never grew weary. My eyes were set on Him and as long as I was looking at Him I could run forever. His arms were open wide and he was bending at the knee, just like a Father would when he greets his little children. I felt like a child, I'm sure I looked like a child too. I rushed into him and it was the best feeling. He enveloped me with a huge hug. It was the kind of hug that could stop tears, ease fears and fix broken hearts. We fell over into the weat, both laughing now like old friends. As we settled, I lay with my head against His chest simply satisfied in listening to his heart beat. I could stay in this moment forever. I lost track of time, It could have been minutes, days or years and I wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. But then I noticed one more thing, A little tiny bird pearched on my shoulder. I knew this bird too. Even though I had never seen it before I knew lots about it, It was my guide, full of wisdom and aide. It was a beautiful gift. It chirped and I noted how quiet its sound was. I thought about home and how loud it is back there. It made me think about how I needed to memorize the sound of its voice. I wanted to know its voice. I never wanted to be at the place where I couldn't hear it, or recognize it. I made a mental note of its pitch, volume and ring and I smiled. It pecked my hair with its beak and flew away. Instictively, I rose and chased it, laughing a deep and real laugh. It remained just above my reach as I jumped and tried to tag it. It was a fun game. If birds could smile, this bird was smiling. The Man started to laugh too. It felt like we were a family. I liked this place and I knew in my heart it was where I belonged.

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