

This year is going to be different. This year is going to be full of new things, learning, growing and changing. Over the past few months I have seen God's hand move not only in my own life, but in the lives of those around me more than I have ever seen before. It hasn't been easy, but it was well worth it. I am expecting Him to continue this work in the new year, I am expecting God to continue to move, mould and shape us into the people he wants us to be. This upcoming year will be a time of awakening and revival. Revival comes by two things, When the people of God take old concepts and again realize their truth. It is when we stop taking things for granted and re-discover the idea of the Cross. We need to re-discover his love and forgiveness. The second part is applying it to our lives. It is not simply enough to learn something and store it away to collect dust, but we have to bring these concepts into our everyday living! We need to own the love God has towards us, we need realise the authority we have being children of the living God, we need to forgive others just as the He forgave us because of the cross. We need to re-discover and apply. Re-discover and apply and repeat. This is how revival happens. It's not something mystical and mysterious but it is when we get off our butts and start acting like true Jesus followers not just a bunch of 'religious christians'. We are not simply religious, our God is different than all "others". The difference between our Jesus and all the other religious prophets is that they came and they died, they taught what they were to teach and they died. BUT our messiah is ALIVE. He is not dead but He is always teaching us. He is alive and that is why revival is possible in our lives, in our schools, in our workplaces, in our city... and yes even in our churches. Because this good news, THE good news is for everyone, it is the one and only truth. If you don't like that... I'm sorry but it's true. He is the way, the truth and the life. It is him alone. This year, when I speak to people I know are not believers I am not going to hide anything because the truth is not just "relative to each situation" It is the foundation of who I am and I will not change that fact. People are going to persecute you and harm you, but the Lord your God will never forsake you. Be strong fellow Christ lovers, because we are his Children and in all things he will work it for our good! We can see lives changed in 2011. We WILL see it. Let's pray-in the new year and stay strong. Let our hearts take courage in Him. Give up your small ambitions people! Give up your small dreams! Our God is bigger than that. Re-realise that truth... and apply it. Well... What are you waiting for? Go!

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