
Prepare me.

So It's only been half a day, and I have stuff to say.
I've been asking God to really reveal his Spirit to me. To give me more of the Holy Spirit in my life. Today I feel so light, so free. It's like a new found freedom. There is freedom where His Spirit resides. I can't stop thinking about him. It's like way more than ever before. When I woke up I was singing his praises, On the bus and on the train on my way to school I just felt his sweet presence. After a few hours of focusing on my studies I went back to thinking about Him... and you know what. It felt like ages since I last meditated on him. Its like I was deprived for those few hours. Even thoughts of my saviour are so refreshing and good to my soul and my heart. My heart loves it. I don't think I can get enough.

Today, I don't know why but I feel a deep desire to go.
Go where? I have no idea. Don't ask me. I don't have a clue. But I want to go. I want to go to all the world and spread the gospel. I know I'm called to so much more than the everyday grind. There is more to life than just; Wake up, Go to school/work, come home, go to bed. There is more. We are called to more.
But I feel like God is planting and stirring a longing to go where he leads, but right now I know with out a doubt that I am meant to be exactly where I am. Living in this City, In this house, Going to this school, in this program, going to this church. I just know. And even though I have a feeling like I want to go... I feel like God is just preparing me for some adventure he has planned out for later in life. Because I don't feel released from this place yet. This is his city too. There is much to be done here.
"Just wait child."

We set our gaze on you. We put our attention on you. All our love is for you. Your the reason that we breathe. Your the air that I breathe. You bring calm to the storm. You bring life to me. And I love you God. I love you God.

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