

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1
I've been thinking alot in the past little while about God's timing. Sometimes it seems to me, so frustrating. Asking God the hard questions like; Why? Why didn't you intervene? Why is this taking so long? Why must I wait? Why don't you do something?! To us humans it doesn't always make sense, and it can be so exhausting not fully understanding the Creator of the universe. But that's exactly it. He is the creator of the universe and who are we? What have we created? Certainly nothing like the heaven's and the earth. Nevertheless I find some comfort in the fact that we cannot understand him. What kind of God would be so simple as to have a human to understand him in all his wonder and complexity? We serve a God who is so vast and amazing that we phyically and mentally cannot comprehend. And as to his timing, He's got it under control. Who am I to say God doesn't have the timing right? The difference between a home run and a foul ball is timing.
"He has made everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3:11


  1. Haha... That first verse made me think of this song:
    "There is a season, turn, turn, turn... :)

  2. Kay - I can officially say I've never heard this song before! haha. But sweet. =)

  3. And how come I can't comment on your blog. Does tumblr not have the commenting option?

    I like your dream journals =)

  4. Hahaha probably 'cause I was homeschooled and there was nothing better to do than watch cool Christian-kid movies. ;D

    Tumblr doesn't really have a comment system, for some reason. But if you click the, "Whatcha thinkin' about?" link, you can post comments (they call them questions..) they just don't go directly attached to a post.

  5. thats plain awsome haha!

    and thats plain lame! tumblr needs to update itself!
    kay ill do that next time =)
