
The simple truth.

I have fallen in love. It's the kinda, can't eat, can't sleep, kinda, I'm crazy about you; love. He is all I can think about. When I wake up he is on my mind. When I go to sleep he's there in my thoughts. He is honestly the most amazing being I've ever encountered. He is Jesus, my Lord, Saviour, Healer and Redeemer. So often I take for granted how amazing his love really is for us, and the oh so forgotten yet very important, history shaking event that is a tangible showing of the Fathers love; the cross. It's something I need to be reminded about everyday. The holes in his hands and feet is what saved my life. It should have been me up there on that cross. I deserve every minute of that pain. It should have been me. But he loved me so much that he was willing to die. He loves us so much. It is beyond my human understanding how he loves me to that capacity. When all I am is a nothing, a no one, worthless really. But he gives me worth. He gives me purpose. It blows my mind, that the creator of the galaxies could love me. His love is relentless. Recieving love like that just makes me want to collapse in a flutter of giddy giggles. People do crazy things for love. His love makes me want to do crazy things. His love gives me strength. It makes me bold. His love transforms me into everything that I wish to be.

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