
Who am I?

I'm going to be honest here, I'm a sinner. I'm Peter when I deny Christ. I'm Judas when I betray Jesus. I'm Eve when I disobey God. I'm such a failure on my own. I mess up everyday. I have a hard time understanding why Jesus died for someone like me. How could someone so Holy and Almighty love something so small, so insignificant? Somedays, Alot of days... I ignore God, I don't listen when he speaks, I do what I want, I'm selfish and I don't act like a disciple. But he loves me anyways!! Its crazy. We serve a great God. I really relate to the story in Hosea 2; "She decked herself with rings and jewelry, and went after her lovers, but me she forgot, declares the LORD. Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her."I feel like that girl, who fills her life with everything but Christ, but despite of my actions, He loves me, he allures me and speaks tenderly to me to bring me back to him time and time again. The only thing that scares me is the "desert". I wonder what desert he will lead me into...


  1. Wowwowow. I love the scripture you pulled out there! There was this vision I had at pastor's camp that actually fits that scripture quite perfectly.
    It was something like this:

    I saw myself in a big big field with God. It's bright and sunny and the field is full of golden, soft wheat-stuff. I lay down with Him and rest my head on His chest and feeling completely calm and happy.
    Then He stood up and ventured to a side of the field where this monstrous forest loomed. He went in, and I felt as though it was right for me to follow.
    It was dark in there and lonelier. Thorns tugged at my clothes and I felt like I was suddenly lost. But I could see a distant light, so I followed it. I didn't let anything hold me back, I just went toward the light.

    At the end, I emerged from this dark forest and a beautiful scene laid before me.
    Mountains, rivers and God's majesty overpowered me. I was overcome with an intense feeling of peace.

    I felt like God was telling us:
    Don't let the thorns in our lives hold us back from His light. That whatever worries, doubts wouldn't matter in the end. He wants us all to reach a more profound place of peace with Him than the one we're accustomed to now. For us to step outside of our comfort zone into a place where the destination isn't always right before our eyes.

    So if you're worried about what this, "desert" might be, don't worry: I believe that God's promised an oasis beyond it.

  2. Wow. Steven! I love this.
    Like what you just described is exactly what I imagine when Im lost in worship with him. The field. Its exactly what I think of. so... COOL!
    But I really agree with what your saying, that he wants to bring us to a place of more profoud peace. That is the ultimate goal, to be closer with him to get to that place.

    I quite enjoy this.
