
Childlike joy, Reverence, and Dying for your faith: a YC recap.

This past weekend was absolutely god orchestrated and designed. We spend the past three days in the city of Edmonton at the annual youth convention. We had amazing speakers and musicians share, as we had the opportunity to learn much. It was a good weekend for our youth as well as the leaders that accompanied. Personally, it was exactly what I needed. 

There were some prominent themes that showed themselves. Here's a few highlights and quotes:

1. Having childlike joy and peace. Going back to your first love. Was there a time when you lived bold for Christ, and somehow you lost it over time? Life or ministry wearing you down? Was there a time when you could rest in Gods promises, and now you are filled with anxiety and worry. It's like the coo of a child in his mothers arms. Psalm 131 - my heart is not lifted up... But I have calmed and quieted my soul... Like a child with its mother (Paraphrasing). Are you in a panic state because you are trying to figure everything out on your own? God is searching for you. For someone to support. He loves to support you. Rest in him. Get back to the "god and me mentality". Revelations 3 - strengthen what remains and is about to die. There is still hope. 

2. When you pray. See god. Who are you praying to? Who are you talking to? Remember who god is! Read Isaiah 6. The description of god on his throne in all his glory. Bring back the reverence. Don't be casual in prayer. Pray often, but fear The Lord! As he alone is holy - set apart. Different from us. What does Isaiah do when he enters gods presence and sees him shining? He covers his face as he is unworthy. That is me. I am unworthy to even look upon his shining face. But how does god respond? With saying your sin is atoned for. You are forgiven! Covered! It is finished! He is faithful and just to cleanse you of all unrighteousness.

When you get to heaven will god say well done my good and faithful servant or will he say, depart from me for I never knew you?

3. What does it really mean to die for your faith? To be willing to die to Jesus' name.  We listened to an unnamed speaker who worked in an unnamed country where to share to gospel is to accept the death sentence. Unreal. He watched 9 of his friends die for what they believed. They smuggled in thousands of bibles. Put thier lives at risk. Him and his family had to flee because his name was placed on a hit list. He understood the cost. Do we? John 15:13 - no greater love than one who lies down his life for his friends. For others. For the cause. For Christ. 

"If his love was the ocean and the clouds a scroll and you dipped your pen in the ink of the seas and wrote his love in the clouds. You would run the waters dry."

"Teach us to say, whatever comes our way, it is well with my soul."

"Be not afraid, for I go with you. I go before you. Start living the life you were called to."

"His presence is the promise in the process."

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