
A few random thoughts and ideas mushed together in one big long blog.

Thought of the day: Are you in love?
Have you ever met someone who was in love? Someone who was head over heels, can’t eat, can’t sleep kind of in love? They talk about that other person all the time. “Oh he did this…” or “He is this way…” or “I love it when he…” That person is always on their mind and it comes up in conversation! They just can’t help it.
Are you that in love with Jesus? That you just can’t get him off your mind? That you talk about him all the time? Think about that. Just, Food for thought.

Reminder of the day: He will never fail, change or leave.
Things around me may change. People will come and go. People will persecute and seek to hurt me. There will be times of sadness, worry, anxiety and fear. I may experience depression and my heart may feel broken. I won’t always have the right words to say or do the right thing. There might be a time when I feel like the darkness out weighs the light.
BUT You will always remain the same. You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. No matter what is going on around me, how I feel or what other people do. You alone are King.

Definition of the day: The definition of 'Refuge'
1. A Protection or Shelter
2. A sense of Help, Relief or Comfort
I take refuge in you, and only in you.

Quote of the day:
"Keep me burning with the fire of your love."

Update of the day: Last night at Tehilla
I had a very different experience with God, I don't know if I can even put it into words, or even if I'm supposed to. It was like a throne room presence. Like a thick and heavy cloud. The kind of presence that makes you weak at the knees and your legs go numb and you can't find the words to say so all you can do is fall to your knees in awe of the Creator.

Prayer of the day: Being real.
I don't want to be fake. I don't want my relationship with God to be fake. I pray that it would be genuine and real and not based off emotions or feelings or any of my human-ness. I want the kind of faith that lasts and stands.

Scripture of the day: Matthew 6:7
"And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."
It goes back to being real and genuine. I don't want to use the over-used and cliche lingo of today's Christian culture. I want my prayers to be from my heart to God. I want my prayers to be real and effective.

Song of the day: In Christ alone.

Requests of the day: I need prayer!
Prayer for my relationships (family, friends, the girls I mentor and people I don't like!), my new job, hearing God's voice and trusting in it!

Thank you all so much! When I say 'all', I mean all two of you two read my blog. =)

Be blessed.

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