
What does it really mean?

What does it really mean to do things on God's strength? Growing up in the church, you hear this a lot. Don't rely on your own strength but on God's... I'm sorry but this is so out there for me. I don't think in vague statements. I just can't wrap my head around it. And in my experience, people don't take the time to actually explain what they mean. Even though 99% of the time, people who say this to you are well intended. So what do people really mean when they say that I can actually draw on Jesus' strength?

I am realizing prayer plays a huge part. Even a simple prayer, such as, "God change my desires, change my heart". When you try to do things on your own strength, you muster up all the courage, all the love, all the ability you need to accomplish what ever it is. But that's just it... it's "mustered up", it's gathered from inside you rather than from beyond you. It's like you just pull up your own shorts and "try to love that person more who gets on your nerves", or "just be more bold when sharing the gospel with those people at work or school", or "just be better, try harder, do more." There are millions of examples that this could apply to.

But it's not about finding strength within you. It's about saying, God... I don't have the ability to love that person who annoys me. Change my heart towards them, help me want to love them, help me to actually love them. I don't have the ability to be courageous in sharing the gospel, but God be the courage in me. Change my heart to desire to take that risk. Change my deepest desires. Not just surface level courage that lasts the first 30 seconds and quickly fades once they start to debate with me. But deep longing for them to know the Christ I know. The difference is that when doing things on your own strength, you are forcing yourself to do something you actually don't want to do, or can't do. But when you draw on God's strength, he will change you from the inside out. You will start to find joy in loving that person who used to annoy you. Your fear of man will slowly shrink as you start to share the gospel. You will find the ability to do something you never thought you could ever be able to do before you prayed that prayer. You will look back at your life and realize that without God none of that would have been possible. He gets the glory. It puts all the burden on God. (You still have to pray and seek him, yes you have a role) but it's freeing knowing he will work in you and you don't have to try harder to be a "better christian". His burden is light, so cast it all on him!

The modern day gospel says, "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Therefore, follow these steps, and you can be saved." Meanwhile, the biblical gospel says, "You are an enemy of God, dead in your sin, and in your present state of rebellion, you are not even able to see that you need life, much less to cause yourself to come to life. Therefore, you are radically dependent on God to do something in your life that you could never do".

Quote from Radical, by David Platt

I'm still learning about what this all means. How do I use God's strength instead of mine? In real tangible ways. If you have any suggestions or things to add. Stories or comments about what you've learned and what you've experienced. Please leave them below... or in the comment section on facebook. I'd love to learn from you and with you!

1 comment:

  1. incredible!
    Good word my friend :) I really needed that i think. To realize once again that the beauty of it all - is that it has nothing to do with me. nothing to do with my strength, courage, desires... but it's all Him.


    and to read that quote about the difference between the actual gospel, and the gospel as it is wishy washy watered down today... that really struck me quite hard.
    I just recently finished listening to Driscoll's Christ on the Cross - Jesus Took Our Wrath. In which he explains - among other things - that we are enemies of God and God hates his enemies as well as the sin they commit. But of course, this is not to discount the love of God, rather, it shows just how radical this love is.

    :). in any case, I've been thinking of building a summer reading list for myself, it looks like i'll have to add " Radical" to this list.

    p.s. I miss your face. i vote brunch or coffee in a soonish manner.
