

"We're going to take back, all the enemy has stolen. It's in the blood of the one who's worthy. I know God has not forgotten all that's lost and broken. So come and see the turning of the tides, come and see the sons and daughters rise. How could he who did not spare his own son, not freely give us victory against the darkest of nights." -Will Reagan and the United Pursuit Band

Short and sweet: Lately I've been feeling anxious about the future. How will God's plan will work out? What am I supposed to do? I talked to my best friend today and God spoke to me through her. Just trust him. Live sold out, every day surrender to him. Live in the now for God. Don't wait until later, and don't settle. Don't become complacent. Be used by God now where you are.

I think God has placed a discomfort in my heart about this Canadian and North American culture for a reason. I tend to lean towards missions. I've always said I wanted to move out of Canada and do missions. But what if God just wants me to be so dissatisfied with our culture here, that I don't conform. Not necessarily to take the easy way out and move away, but live here and be counter-cultural. That I am counter-cultural in everything I do. The way I live for Christ, the way I speak, how I spend my money, how I treat people, how I serve... everything. Maybe I'm not meant to do missions overseas, but channel this uncomfortable feeling I get towards changing the culture here in Canada. How do you change a culture? You change the people. How do you change the people? You show them Christ. Be Christ to them. Love on them like Christ would. Only He can change the culture and the people of Canada. Maybe that's the reason I feel the way I do. Never thought of it that way before. It gives me peace.

God, change my desires.

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