
Closing remarks :(

12:00 am Kigali Time, Rwanda, January 7 2012
Hello from the future!! It’s January 7th here, and yet back home it’s only January 6th! 
This will just be a quick update because today was go go go all day and I am just exhausted. So again, excuse the lack of attention to spelling and grammar! I am also sad to say this will be my last blog update while I am in the beautiful land of Rwanda... I leave for home tomorrow afternoon. (or... I guess that would be today!)
Today I spent the whole day with Margit.... Girls day!!! It was fantastic. We slept in, had a small breakfast in the morning with the guys (to slowly accustom ourselves to food to break the fasting), then when the boys left for the day to do some things around the church, we went to another African market place to just buy some souvenirs. I bought a painting made out of poop! haha... cow poop. So sweet. I also got something for my mom and brother. (If you are reading this right now - be excited! Sorry Chubby you get SQUAT, hehe). We also walked around downtown Kigali... we got some more fruit and Margit bought some fabric. It was a bustlin’ place dt Kigali. Let me tell you! It was full of people selling all sorts of things. It was like a market only with a lot more buildings and shops. Afterwards I had the opportunity to visit a lady named Joseline (spelling - not sure). She is actually a Canadian! We went to her house for coffee and so that I could chat with her a little bit. She is an amazing lady who is a midwife here in Kigali, but she got her midwife certicifate in the Philippines where she lived before moving to Rwanda. (We talked abit about Manila too... seeing as I will be there in May!) She works in the poorest part of Kigali (the same place the bomb went off). We talked for three hours just about nursing, the health care system in developing countries, how to get started in third world medical care, she told us her story... we talked about everything! It was so informative. She gave me some great resources, books to read, documentaries to watch, people to contact, places to go. She even invited me to come work at the health and wellness clinic they are opening soon (the one attached to the church). This trip has just been great for building my contact book for when I graduate Uni! I am so thankful for this because this is opening so many doors for me once I graduate. God is just paving the way so nicely! I love our God! Right before we left her house she gave me this birds nest that she found in a field near her house... it is seriously the coolest birds nest I have ever seen. I will have to post a picture of it when I get home. After this visit we went to church for the last evening service. My dad preached on healing... and it was AWESOME. So many people were coming up for prayer and crying and just God was so there. I think I cried the whole entire time. They all prayed for my mom and it was just powerful. Margit and I had a chance to pray together and just bond some more. After the service we went for dinner (finally - DINNER!) at this super nice hotel. It was traditional African food... I was being picky tonight so I mostly ate potatoes haha. But I tried goat and it was great! Kinda chewy but otherwise normal! So see... my day was jam packed... I did not even get to take a nap today! No down time, but it was great.
I was joking with Margit and my dad that when I go through customs coming home they are going to ask me what I am brining back with me into Canada, and I will have to say well... I have cow dung, grass, a weapon, poached ivory and fruit. Haha, just kidding about the ivory and fruit. But seriously... I’m not telling them that I am bringing grass back home in to Canada. haha... That is so not allowed. Oh well. I hope they don’t have spies that scan the internet for this type of stuff... We sprayed the nest with bug spray... It shouldn’t have too many organisms in it that will harm the people of Canada... I hope. Haha.
Anyways, tomorrow we are taking a drive to see the mountain region of Rwanda before they drop me off at the airport! Dad and Kelly are staying an extra two days, but I have to start school Monday so I’m coming home earlier. I have a lay over in Addis, and a layover in London. I’m quite looking forward to London as I will sit my self down in a nice comfy airport chair and eat English Chocolate and Sweets for six hours as I wait for the next plane. :) Sounds just dandy.
Thanks again guys for all your prayers and encouraging notes while we have been here! I am excited to come home, but also so sad that I am leaving. I am definitely leaving part of my heart here in Africa. :( But I have a suspicion that I will be back.
See you guys soon!

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