

I really have been thinking a lot lately about perspective. I don't have the answers... the following is just an account of the things I think about.

What is perspective? My understanding is that it's the lens through which you see life. Something can be looked at many different ways. I can perceive something to be one way, while someone else could see something completely different. So then, what is truth? If everything is dependent on one's lens, then what is true? Because I for sure don't want to base my life off of someone's perspective of what is true, I want to follow the real truth. Does this even exist?

It's like that saying, "don't believe everything you think"... even our own thoughts can be distorted. I think that sin can distort one's perspective. The fact that we are sinful and evil distorts our perspective.

Reading Genesis today, it says that after Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of good and evil, which God told them not to, it says that "their eyes were opened, and they realized they were naked" (Ch. 3, Vs. 7). Their perspective changed after sin entered their lives. It brought the lens of shame and fear among other things. They now had to cover themselves up, they hid from God. Things changed because of sin.

What sin in my life is distorting my vision? God - please reveal this to me. Please reveal to me the truth.

I find comfort in the fact that He says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." That is one thing I believe with my whole heart. That God, Jesus... is the truth. I want to see the world through that lens. I want to see the world, myself, the people around me, how God sees it. That is the perspective I want to have.And how I can gain that perspective is by reading the word. Because He is the Word, and He is true. So, that' s where I'm at.